Tuesday, March 16, 2021

HOWIE SEE IT: The Birth of 1Sambayan


By Atty. Howie Calleja

Though it has certainly been a long five years, the past year in particular has been the most telling; it has been a full calendar year since the start of the pandemic, and we are only in a worse position, domestically and globally. It is very easy to say that the virus is out of our control, but that is easily rebutted by neighboring countries who are back to normal. It is even easier to say that we have done the best we can, but the inability to recognize mistakes and missteps is one that has plagued the administration for the entirety of its term.

What we need now are people that are not just talk, but action: people that have a proven track record. In March 2020 we had promises, and in March 2021 those same promises have long since fallen flat. Now, we must look to leaders with actual plans and platforms that address the very real, pressing, and life-threatening issues the average Juan faces. One year later, we have not only faced more deaths and less vaccinations, but the world’s longest lockdown has come with increased national debt, widespread corruption, and the harrowing statistics of killings of lawyers and human rights defenders.

It is the hope of not just this author but, indeed, the entire country, that there will be leaders who step up for the challenge. This Thursday we will see people who have shown their talent on the national stage before in areas of education, law, international affairs, and human rights – and we will hope that other patriotic countrymen follow and unite under the coalition that is 1sambaysn

1Sambayan is the broadest coalition comprised of members of underrepresented sectors in politics including, but not limited to: urban poor, youth, labor, academe, business, farmers, professionals, health workers, religious, former magistrates, and even current government officials who have a proven track record. The entire nation is certainly desperate for clear, concise, and realistic plans that encompass the main concerns of the country; poverty alleviation, economic stability, national security, and the prioritization of the health sector, to name a few. While we are far off from the campaign period and can expect that concrete plans will emerge soon, for now we look forward to the reveal of candidates who have the desire and capability to heal the country. Not just from the pandemic, but from the divisions that have led to resentment and concern for our furture.

Though we are certainly hopeful that the candidates are up to the challenge, we will remain vigilant. 1Sambayan will be comprised of people that we respect and know to be true leaders, but we will continue to do what is best for our country and hold them accountable to their promises as we move forward.

The launch of 1Sambayan will happen this Thursday (March 18, 2021) at 9am in Makati Sports Club, Makati City.

Register for the zoom meeting via: https://ift.tt/2OYFD9s

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The post HOWIE SEE IT: The Birth of 1Sambayan appeared first on The Philippine Business and News.

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